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Pepper Ann Wiki

Unhappy Campers is the A part of the eleventh episode of Season 5 of Pepper Ann and the one hundred ninth segment overall. It was paired with "Searching for Pepper Ann Pearson" and originally aired on November 16, 2000.


Pepper Ann, Milo and Nicky once again get caught misbehaving. They are then sent to Camp Sunflower, a behavioral camp for wayward kids, and have to learn to survive as a team in the wilderness. However, it's not that simple...


Nicky: I can't wait to eat real food again. Mmmm, steamed vegetables.

Pepper Ann: Pizza, from the Greezy 'n' Cheezy.

Milo: Native nuts and berries!
Alex Trebek: Have you ever seen a muskox? They have the most amazing fur.
Lydia: Really? I'll take "Tell Me More" for a thousand, Alex!



All Episodes of Pepper Ann