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Too Cool to Be Mom is the B part of the eighth episode of Season 5 of Pepper Ann and the one hundred fourth segment overall. It was paired with "Dear Debby" and originally aired on November 13, 2000.

  • Summary

Pepper Ann meets Constance Goldman's "cool" mother, Denise, and decides that Lydia needs to be cooler. Lydia goes along with Pepper Ann's ideas because she likes the fact that Pepper Ann wants to spend more time with her. But in the end, it turns out that sometimes just being "Mom" is better than being "cool".


Lydia: Peppie thinks it's off da hook!

Pepper Ann: (dreamily) Best friends... (Pepper Ann starts imagining her and Lydia driving a huge, cool car that says "Pearson Posse", and the license plate reads "#1 Mom" on the front, and Pepper Ann and Lydia are both looking cool, with funky hip-hop music playing in the background.)

Pepper Ann: (rapping): All the people in the house, say "yeah!".

Lydia: (rapping): Oh yeah!

  • Trivia
  • The title of this episode is a play on Pepper Ann's original tagline, Too Cool to be Twelve.



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