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Jaybirds of a Feather is the B part of the seventeenth episode of Season 4 of Pepper Ann and the eighty-ninth segment overall. It was paired with "The Great Beyond" and originally aired on February 25, 2000.


Pepper Ann finds out that Moose is planning to join the Jaybirds, a local scout troop, and she wants to be her mentor.

However, it turns out that she never earned her last Jaybird merit ribbon when she was seven because she went to Burger Fortress for free french fries instead (because "that was the only dayeth!"), and as a result she can't sponsor Moose unless she starts over and earns all of her merit ribbons...again.

So, she re-enrolls alongside Moose in order to become a full-fledged Jaybird.

Unfortunately, in her obsessive haste to obtain her ribbons, she loses sight of what the Jaybirds is actually about...having fun and looking out for each other.


Pepper Ann: The rally's tomorrow. Hope you both can make it!
Milo: And support the organization that crushed my spirit into weeping little cluster crumbs?! You've got another thing coming, sister! You've got another thing coming!
We the Jaybirds of Nest 33 promise to do our best to make friends, help others, have fun, play it safe, and promise never to become communists.
The Jaybird Oath


  • This episode reveals that the reason why Pepper Ann did not get her final merit ribbon was because Burger Fortress had a one day only special on free french fries.
    • It is also revealed that the reason why Pepper Ann was allowed to graduate at all was because Ms. Nadine, who was in charge of keeping records of the merit ribbons earned, went to the same place for free burgers (also because "that was the only dayeth!").



All Episodes of Pepper Ann