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"Dear Debby" is the A part of the eighth episode of Season 5 of Pepper Ann and the one hundred third segment overall. It was paired with "Too Cool to Be Mom" and originally aired on November 13, 2000.


Pepper Ann decides she wants to dedicate her time to helping people, and plans to start an advice column in the school newspaper.

She reads the "Dear Debby" advice column in the local newspaper (to "brush up on what the expert has to say") and finds a letter from a woman who is complaining that her husband never notices her and she never gets to spend any time with her son.

Pepper Ann, with only the best of intentions, assumes that this letter came from her Aunt Janie, and thereafter devotes her time to making Janie feel "loved".


Pepper Ann is showing Janie a photo album
Pepper Ann: Oh, and this is the first sleepover that Milo and I ever had. Who knew then that the constant grinding of his teeth would grow to be a soothing and familiar lullaby?
Aunt Janie: Must...Escape...Pepper Ann's affection!


  • "Dear Debby" is a parody of the advice column "Dear Abby".

The Desk Gag[]

"The black velvet Fuzzy painting I've always wanted!"
(Fuzzy: "Get outta my face, see?!")



All Episodes of Pepper Ann